Saturday 16 November 2013

Jennifer Ramirez
Graphic Design / Quotes essay

Font used: Caslon
Quote: “There is no sincerer love than the love of food.” – George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw, a writer to many forms of literature (poems, short stories). Born in 1856, he lived through a hugely revolutionary era and died in 1950. He received a Nobel prize for his works, which he wanted to strongly reject, this shows the status Shaw reached with success. One of his works ‘Man & Superman’, a play published in 1903 held the given quote “There is no sincerer love than the love of food”.
Many fonts, ideas were suited to the quote, but Shaw was known to ask for his works to be written specifically in the Caslon font. Created by William Caslon in 1722, his font was widely used.  It’s a clear Serif typeface, an easy choice for a simple classy look.
Caslon is a widely recognised font and for whatever reason I know more on it than other fonts, I was lucky to be given Shaw’s quote, to then find out he preferred Caslon for his published works. However I think there are other more practical fonts out there that are easy on the eyes and readers.

Two paragraph essay




The T-Shirt

 Billboard Poster Mock - Ups

Wednesday 13 November 2013

My Sketchbook creations

Inspired by DADA and it's use of text. 
Cut outs. Stuck on.Composition
Varied fonts, and sizes.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Having had feedback on this piece, I realized I went about it in the wrong way.
And missed the key point of the brief that it should not take the form of an image.


Taking the constructive text to a digital platform.
The quote repeatedly typed out. Highlighted red to represent the love in the quote.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Idea 1 developed further. Using the chosen font of CASLON, Neater representation of the constructive text.

Idea 2
Initial Ideas. Text as representational imagery

Inspirations ; Calligrams
Constrcuted texts.
 'THE BIG DRINK' by Paul Bacon and 'THE MOUSE'S TALE' by Lewis Caroll

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”  -
George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950

Quote from Shaw's play, 'Man and Superman'

Chosen font - Caslon



MY A6 CARDS  (trial so far)

Recreating MY LONDON, inspired by sachplakat, using my photos

Inspired by Sachplakat style due to recent projects.
Decided to use this for my A6 cards

Start of second idea.
 Photograph my London.
Just a few, have to pick and choose which are the keepers. 

First idea
Scan saved leaflets from nights out. scan tube map. highlight and crop for A6 cards

 Sketchbook brainstorms




Also Created a flip book. For the Shimmy